Monday, September 24, 2012

Nuthing New Logo

My sister-in-law Marqui has a birthday in September. She's super crafty and is always creating amazing stuff. A couple of months ago she made a belt out of t-shirt yarn and used a Civil War era horse bridle clasp as a's amazing...since then we've all decided that she should go into business and sell all the great things she makes. We aren't exactly sure if this is something she wants to do or not but what the hey...who doesn't need a little nudge now and brother/her husband Michael came up with a business name for her...Nuthing New and he asked me to design the logo for it...I had so much fun with it. He took the logo and used it to design mini business cards as well as a one page site so she can show-off her work...check out the belt I was talking about at Love it!

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